Friday, June 27, 2008

This week's raffle

Congratulations to Aaron W. for winning this week's raffle prize- the stress ball! Next week has a new prize and more chances to win. We will be raffling 4 (FOUR!) prizes for next week-- mood magnets!

Just another way to transform your summer at the library . . .

Also, our next program is coming up next month! You can check out the programs at our other branches too-- we've got so much going on that you don't want to miss out on!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Another Winner!

Congratulations to Dina H. for winning the glow-in-the-dark cup raffle! Our next raffle is already available at the Five Forks Branch in the teen section. This weeks raffle is something we could all use...

a stress ball!! It also says 'transformation @ your library'. You will have until June 26th to enter for your chance to win. The winner will be announced on June 27th.

Our next set of trivia questions are also available at the Five Forks information desk. The questoins are about vampire movie trivia--which also goes with the metamorphosis theme. Here are the questions:
  1. Who played Dracula in the 1931 film?
  2. What was his real name?
  3. Name three other movies he's been in.

Once you complete the questions all you have to do is take your answers to the information desk and receive your prize! You can choose to get a temporary tattoo (see June 3rd blog post) or a magnetic bookmark.

For those of you who have completed your 10 hours (or more, way to go!!) for the summer reading, please stop by the Five Forks information desk to receive your prize.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

T-shirt Re-do Workshop

The Five Forks Branch will have a T-shirt revitalization workshop today from 4 to 5pm in our meeting room. All students from grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for this fun activity. Be sure to bring your own T-shirt (one without any designs is best) to the meeting. We'll provide the cool stencils and paint to makeover that boring old shirt (seen below).

As always, refreshments (wonderful cookies and thirst-quenching drinks) will be provided. Don't forget about the raffle going on and be sure to check by the branch (and this blog) periodically to see the other raffles that will be going on during the summer. New trivia questions will be available tomorrow. Another prize will be given for those who participate--it's a good one so be sure to stop by for your free prize! We hope to see all your smiling faces at 4pm today!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Present and Future Winners

Congratulations to Erin M. and Vanessa B. for winning our first teen summer program raffle!! Our next raffle is ready so be sure to stop by the branch to enter for your chance to win. The raffle prize for this week is...

this awesome glow-in-the-dark cup! It says 'transformation @ your library' which follows our metamorphosis theme for the summer. There will be one winner selected for this prize. The entry deadline is June 19th and the winner will be announced June 20th.

Our trivia questions are still going on and will continue through June 16th. Everyone gets a prize for participating in this activity. The questions are listed below for the Cinema & Literature trivia set:

  1. In what movie do small cute furry creatures turn into little monsters if fed after midnight?
  2. What is the name of the giant moth that attacks Godzilla?
  3. Who wrote 'Begging for Change'?
  4. In Scott Westerfeld's series Uglies, what do 16-year-olds get turned into?
  5. What movie and book was about an island where a mad scientist turns men into animals?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bookmark Contest

Dear contestants,

The bookmark contest is ending soon!! Please bring your unique entries to the Five Forks Branch no later than Thursday 6/12/08. Yes, that's this Thursday.

Just so you'll know: Winners will have their art displayed at several branches around Gwinnett County, as well as at the Hudgens Center for the Arts (too cool!). Copies of the bookmarks will be made available at all the branches of the Gwinnett County Public Library. Plus, you'll have bragging rights!

Don't miss out on the great opportunity to have your talent showcased.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Raffle=Free Stuff!

The raffles have begun! The Five Forks Branch is going to have teen raffles from now until the end of the summer program (July 25). This weeks awesome prize is...

It's a black dry erase board and a cool blue-green pen! It has magnets on the back so you can slap it on your refrigerator or your locker or any other location that is metal (do not place magnets on computers!).

To enter the raffle just stop by the branch and you'll see the table near the teen new books shelf. Fill out the entry slip and place it in the raffle box. The winners (we have two of these cool boards) will be selected June 11th.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Trivia Challange--Phase 1

The first set of trivia questions are now available at the Five Forks Library Information Desk. Here's how it works...
  • Ask for the teen trivia questions
  • Use GALILEO to help answer them or ask for assistance at the Information Desk
  • Return your completed questions to the Information Desk
  • Collect your prize!!!!

The prize this week is an awesome temporary tattoo (shown below) that fits in with our metamorphosis @ your library theme. Yes, the tattoo will be much smaller.

If you missed our delightful henna tattoo workshop last week don't forget to join our next activity is June 17th at 4pm. We'll be doing another workshop on how to revitalize T-shirts. Be sure to bring your own T-shirt, hat or bag to alter with cool stencils!