Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It is with great sorrow that I inform you that this blog will be discontinued.
However, there is a NEW BLOG that you can check out.

This blog is for the ENTIRE Gwinnett County Public Library and is located at:

This is very exciting because for Teen Read Week, which is this week, you can contribute to an original collaborative story! So you and your friends can make glorious things happen in your imaginations and other people will read about it!

So go check it out, or else you and maybe some other people might be sad

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The End.

Disappointing as it is, this blog will soon be discontinued. As in, it won't be here anymore. The Library is having some changes, and it was decided that each branch's teen blog will be taken off, and we will do something else instead.
Could it be something more exciting? It is possible.
I will make one post after this one when everything is decided and in place, so do not fear.

You will not be left on the wayside.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Summer Reading

It is almost the end of summer.
That means, you need to turn in your summer reading forms so that you can get free stuff and enter to win the grand prize (tickets to Medieval Times).
We have all this stuff to give you, so come in to the branch!

Friday, July 24, 2009

this is very exciting.

I know how you young people, and some older people, are.

They don't always want to read. Sometimes they want to play VIDEO GAMES.

This is why I have decided, after much deliberation (okay, I decided once I found out that I could do it and jumped with glee and signed up immediately) that we are going to play SUPER SMASH BROTHERS BRAWL on the NINTENDO WII at the FIVE FORKS BRANCH on JULY 30, 2009.

This is VERY BIG news.

Because this game is SUPER exciting and deservedly POPULAR and LOVED by youngins and old people like me alike.

This program is going to last a FULL TWO HOURS, and we will have POPCORN.

Because, you see, I ALWAYS want to eat popcorn when Mario is beating up Link. It's inevitable.

Now, we will not be having so many video games and delightful teen programs in the future, so be sure to show up and say 'i love playing video games at the library; this is the sort of thing that I live for' and then we will all get warm feelings in our stomachs and enjoy the time we have together.

I am also giving out PRIZES. We are having a raffle. And winners will get COOL STUFF.
So you need to come, and bring your friends, and share in the joy of Nintendo.

Otherwise, I will cry, and the world will cry with me. Or at least my friend Mr Awesome will, and you don't want that.

Best regards to all you wonderful, brilliant, and ever-entertaining young people,


Monday, June 15, 2009



This is important.

Tomorrow at noon (Tuesday, June 16 2009, 12:00 pm), we will be having our second teen program of the summer.

This is a really good program, because it revolves around food.

And you know how we like to feed you at these things.

So you'll get to decorate food, and then eat it!

And then you can go home and feel the joy and love of sugar!

So you should come here.


At noon.

Yup yup.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

For the Glorious 3rd of June in the Great Year 2009

Well, I know I at least am excited.

Because tomorrow is our first teen program of the summer!

Wednesday, 3:00 pm is when we will be playing Rock Band at the Five Forks branch!

It will be absolutely brilliant!

you want to show up. you know you do.

We will even give you food!

And you can even ask us, 'can we play video games at the library more often?'

And we will say, 'Yes! Yes you can!'

And then everyone will go home happy, including me.

Because who wants to do boring stuff at the library?

Only boring people.

We want to do fun stuff at the library, seeing as we are cool people.

So do not forget.

But if you can't make it . . .

Don't worry!

We will play video games again, I promise. You can even tell us which ones you want to play! And then maybe sometime in the future we can play them!

Eternally yours,

The Ebullient Genius of a Teen Rep.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It has been a while . .

Alas, this blog has not been updated in a while.

But that is because we haven't had such exciting news since the last post!

Not long ago, the teen Summer Reading Program started. This means that you can sign up for it and get cool stuff just for reading books.

And we have all these programs this summer! Like starting next week! Check it out y'all! is where you will find all the teen programs in the whole system.

At Five Forks, we will have a ROCK BAND program next Wednesday at 3:00 pm.
This is so cool because we will play the video game and be all, 'yeah i so rock, i rock more than you,' and then someone else will play and they'll be all, 'nah i rock more' and so on until everyone plays and we decide that we are all awesome.

And we'll eat food too!

And then we'll have another program on like the 16th in which we will decorate food and eat it and stuff!

And then another program on July 7th in which we will play Cranium! Because everyone needs to play games at the library!

And our last teen program will be killaz too because we will play Super Smash Brothers Brawl on July 30th!

Is this not the best summer of your life?

Clearly, it is.

You can thank me later.

-Anni, the Teen Rep

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Teen Program NEXT WEEK!

I know I have not updated in like TEN THOUSAND YEARS and you are all wondering, 'Why has the Five Forks Library Teen Blog not been updated? Is there nothing happening at Five Forks? Should I cry about this?'


We just haven't had any programs in a while! That is all! And now we will be having one again! So you can stop grieving!


This program is super cool. We are going to have a real life Comic Book Guy come in and teach you how how to do comic book art. His name is Kyle Puttkamer, and he owns the Ever Amazing Galactic Quest store, and he is going to come in to this library and show how all his mad skills and you will be amazed and you will even learn how to use the same kind of mad skills!

And this is all for free! And there will be food!

This will be happening next week, on the 15th of April at 4:00 PM and that is one week away!

I know I am terribly excited about this, because this is a real professional dude teaching you stuff and not just me being a goof and teaching you stuff!

Trust me, you want to be at the library for this.

-The Ever Amazing and Perpetually Brilliant Teen Rep at the Wonderful and Exciting Five Forks Library in the Glorious County of Gwinnett

Friday, February 27, 2009

Check it out, right?

Seriously awesome, yes?
And look!
You can create a computer game at THE FIVE FORKS BRANCH!
That's the one I work at!
But you can do it at Collins Hill and Suwanee too, in case the Five Forks class fills up before you get a chance to register AND you can make things out of keyboards and stuff at Lilburn, Dacula, and Snellville!
Teen Tech Week this year is WAY more awesome than Teen Read Week was!
(And that was pretty awesome, but hello! Making a computer game? When will you ever get a chance to do that again?)
So . . .
For realz.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Today is a good day.

But tomorrow is an even better day.

Do you have any idea what wonders await you tomorrow?


And we will be doing ORIGAMI.

I know, right?

And guess what else?


Like candy and stuff! From places near Japan! Because who wants to eat American candy when folding paper? No one!

We're going to make flowers and cranes and doodads out of pretty paper and when we finish we will marvel at our mad skill and absolute brilliance and then eat some more candy and say, 'Ah, aren't we worldly and cultured here? We are definitely the envy of, well, pretty much everyone else, because we are just that cool. I bet there're teens in Japan who wish they were here right now.'
In fact, I there are probably some over there in Asia reading this and thinking, 'Man, if only we lived in Lawrenceville, Georgia. Then we could do stuff that we do here only it will be there and that means it will be better.' Seriously, yo.

So yeah, Tuesday the tenth of February at 3:30, which is like 30 hours from now, except not exactly.

And you can hang out there for two hours if you want! Or you can just hang out for a bit if you can't handle the incredible awesomeness that will reside in the meeting room at the Five Forks library!

Whooeee! I am so not going to be able to sleep tonight!