Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Teen Program NEXT WEEK!

I know I have not updated in like TEN THOUSAND YEARS and you are all wondering, 'Why has the Five Forks Library Teen Blog not been updated? Is there nothing happening at Five Forks? Should I cry about this?'


We just haven't had any programs in a while! That is all! And now we will be having one again! So you can stop grieving!


This program is super cool. We are going to have a real life Comic Book Guy come in and teach you how how to do comic book art. His name is Kyle Puttkamer, and he owns the Ever Amazing Galactic Quest store, and he is going to come in to this library and show how all his mad skills and you will be amazed and you will even learn how to use the same kind of mad skills!

And this is all for free! And there will be food!

This will be happening next week, on the 15th of April at 4:00 PM and that is one week away!

I know I am terribly excited about this, because this is a real professional dude teaching you stuff and not just me being a goof and teaching you stuff!

Trust me, you want to be at the library for this.

-The Ever Amazing and Perpetually Brilliant Teen Rep at the Wonderful and Exciting Five Forks Library in the Glorious County of Gwinnett