Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hola, aloha, hallo, and greetings,

Many of you, I know, are crying your eyes out over the fact that you missed the last teen program due to circumstances unforeseen, but cheer up! We are having ANOTHER DRUM SESSION!

This means that you have ANOTHER CHANCE to join in the fun that you missed out on before!

You can HIT THINGS! And MAKE NOISE! Yippie Skippie all the live long day!

So, this Wednesday at 4:30 PM until 6:00 PM, you know where you'll be. You'll be at the Five Forks Library, livin' it up with your pallies and people you don't know but might like anyway, thinking, "Goodness me, does life get any better than this?"

Perhaps it does, but if so, well, I don't know how.

When you find yourselves, in fifteen years time, making oodles of dough as the drummers for some wicked bands, you will thank me for giving you your first taste of the rhythm, which will most certainly get you.

By the way, you're welcome.

As ever,

Your Superstar Teen Rep

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The sun will come out TOMORROW

Tomorrow is the day you have been waiting for with bated breath. But just in case you forgot, which I'm sure you haven't, since this is the best thing to happen since Harry Potter was published, let me remind you: Tomorrow we will be having our drumming program.

Yes, you read that right. Tomorrow.

So at 4:30 in the afternoon, come in to the greatest library that ever lived and do things that you're normally not allowed to do in the library ( makes noise, hit things, etc).

It will be wicked spectacular, and if you do not come, you will be more than sad; you will be despondent.

However, we will have the drum dude back again in two weeks so that you can have even more fun.

So cheerio, ta ta, and so on, until tomorrow.

Anni, Your Amazing Teen Rep

Friday, November 7, 2008

Hark! What teens through yonder library break?

Dear teens, how I have missed you all! Especially those of you who (unfortunately and due to unforseen and dreadful circumstances that were most certainly unavoidable) did not get a chance to attend our fabulous movie night in which we saw Dan Ackroyd get covered in slime among other exciting things.

"Dear me!" I hear you say, "how can I live with myself knowing I have missed that?! Surely life is not worth living now?"

But o! Your outlook on life should improve by the end of the month, because we are having another teen program! O to joy!

I know you are waiting with bated breath for more details, so I shall reveal to you the subject matter of our next brilliant program, just in case you forgot.

We will be having so much crazy fun, you will not be able to contain yourselves. We will party so hard your brains will explode because . . .

We will be making joyous music! Yes! We will have a groovy guy come in with loads of drums and expert knowledge which he will pass on to you. You will have so much fun you will be begging, "Please let us come back again and repeat this amazing experience! Please!"

To which we will reply, "How can we say no to that? It simply cannot be done! Do come back again in two weeks!"

So that is how the events will play out. On November 19 at 4:30 PM, we will have our first taste of the bliss that is making noise, and then we will do it again on December 3 at the same time.

Undyingly yours for ever and always,

Miss Super Fantastic: The Five Forks Tenn Rep